Dream Notes:
- guy at grocery store stole things from cart- pack of candy?
- ending up angry at him, asking how he would like it if I stole things out of his cart... there were three of them together- I assume friends. I started yelling at all three and throwing things from my cart at them...then they threw items back at me and were coming closer- at some point they threw things at me that I caught and I said something to them like - "giving me weapons" and I threw them back - even more aggressively than before...woke up shortly after this
- B Newr.was in dream- kept messing with me- I think I was trying to get away from him. I think I had feelings for him too but he was a jerk (like real life!)... I think he would look at my clothes and maybe wanted me to change? I don't remember how he was toying with me but I remember feeling annoyed
- Wanted to go on trip to Fairmont or Braxton- asked "mom" (wasn't real mom) and she was ok with it. B said he would go with me but I didn't want him to and I think I was trying to figure out a way to go without him. In dream, I knew there was no reason for me to go to Braxton since family no longer there (real) and decided on Fairmont because it was closer and could go shopping. I wanted to go to Braxton though to escape.
- Kept changing clothes- jeans were too tight
- I was younger in dream
- There was tons of food in the kitchen...donations? or bought in from stores? Maybe it was for a holiday?
- Sleeping near window- maybe on the floor- the window was foggy and had finger drawings on it, could see a large foggy river or some body of water outside.
Dream symbols:
Images: food/groceries, known person from my past, unknown mother- she was younger and blonde, unknown men- likely college age, foggy/grey water, jeans/clothes
Colors: white wall by window, blue/grey water
Feelings: yearning to leave, to escape, annoyed and hurt, angry
Actions: shopping in a grocery store, asking if I could take a trip
My Thoughts: The overall feeling was frustation and wanted to escape. This lines up with real life. The boys and B.Newr basically made me feel trapped and kept hurting me- my fear that it will always be as it always has.
Notes: n/a
Real Life: B.Newr. was a manager at a coffee shop I once worked for- he was a bit of a narcissist that would be nice to you one day and not the next. I always walked on eggshells around him. I have not seen nor thought about him in a very long time but I have thought about a girl that I used to work with there- she dated someone I used to care for but could not have. I wonder if B. was just an offshoot of her since that has been on my mind lately. The feeling of wanting to get away is real. I day dream about moving and am always looking for a place to finally go to- knowing I am trapped here right now.
Real Life: B.Newr. was a manager at a coffee shop I once worked for- he was a bit of a narcissist that would be nice to you one day and not the next. I always walked on eggshells around him. I have not seen nor thought about him in a very long time but I have thought about a girl that I used to work with there- she dated someone I used to care for but could not have. I wonder if B. was just an offshoot of her since that has been on my mind lately. The feeling of wanting to get away is real. I day dream about moving and am always looking for a place to finally go to- knowing I am trapped here right now.
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